I’m far from an expert on the subject of gardening. Truth of the matter is, I have a LOT to learn. But under the wings of Marlene, Anna & so many of the incredibly experienced staff, I am gaining so much knowledge.
And beginner gardeners…I see you.
Perhaps you planted bulbs and perennials in the spring with grandiose visions of lush and colourful gardens, which were looking fabulous...until now. Now, it may seem as though your precious flowers have thrown in the towel. I’m here to tell you that it’s not too late! There is still time to plant late summer bloomers and to enjoy them this season, and more importantly, set yourself up for success next year.
Honestly, if you are striving to build up a garden that blooms for longer than 8 weeks, now is the perfect time to get your hands in the dirt. Late summer perennials at the garden center are 40% off and the soil is still soft and warm for planting. So, why not make the most of these beautiful sunny days and give your garden a little facelift.
Some of my absolute favourite flowers make their debut in late august and September. Let’s take a look at some options that would surely add colour and beauty to your gardens this time of year:
Fox Glove
These beauties grow glorious towers of bell-shaped blooms and are available in a variety of colours. They are deer resistant and attract a variety of birds, especially hummingbirds.
Arctic Fox Rose Foxglove $5.00
They are easy to grow and need very little attention to prosper, could there be a more perfect plant!? They thrive in full to partial sun, and prefer moist, acidic soil. Foxglove’s can grow up to 3’ tall, they are perfect for adding a colourful layer toward the back of your garden.
This stunner is known for growing oversized flowers that are tissue thin and come in shades of pink, red, magenta, and white. It would make a fantastic addition to any garden!
Hibiscus Luna Red $19.99
Despite having large blooms that appear to look almost tropical, perennial hibiscus plants are cold-hardy and bloom into the autumn season. They prefer moist soil and lots of sun, making them a great neighbour for the foxglove! And because these plants die off in the winter, you can prune them down to the ground at the end of your gardening season.
This beautiful perennial has sturdy flower spikes, densely packed with vibrant purple florets that grow above the foliage. It flowers in early summer and will grow another round of blooms when spent spikes are removed. This beautiful plant will surely add colour to your garden well into fall.
Delphinium Hybrid $29.99
These plants attract hummingbirds and butterflies and are deer and rabbit resistant. They perform best in well drained soil and full or partial sun. A great addition for any garden!
These flowers give us beautiful displays of purple or blue daisy like buds that can bloom from August through to October. You may see them in garden centers amongst the mum's and fall displays, but don't let that fool you into thinking they need to stay in a pot. Asters thrive when planted in garden soil!
Asters do best in full sun and well draining soil and prefer a little space for their roots to expand.
Bobo Panicle Hydrangea
This award winning dwarf variety only grows 2-3 feet high, and slightly wider, making it an excellent foundation shrub or short hedge. It features flowers that form pyramid shaped panicles throughout the entire shrub! The flowers initially bloom white pedals in the summer which gradually turn pink then deepen to purple as fall approaches.
Bobo hydrangeas thrive in acidic, well drained soil and partial sun. They really don’t require much attention other than a rake or trim if preferred at the end of the season.
If you've been feeling like your garden could use a little refresh these days, I strongly suggest a visit to Anna's! Perennials are 40% with additional sales being added as we speak (psst...some are even marked down to $5 per plant!) Don't settle for lack lustre when there are still so many gorgeous flowers waiting to take root!
**please keep in mind that many plants are toxic when ingested. If you have a pet that likes to snack on your leafy greens, always research before planting.