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Canadian Mental Health Association

The Canadian Mental Health Association, Windsor-Essex County Branch (CMHA-WECB) has been a part of the health care delivery system in Windsor and Essex County for over 50 years. CMHA-WECB offers more than a dozen specialized programs for adults experiencing moderate to severe mental illness, bereavement programs for children, youth and adults, primary health care via our CMHA Health Centre, and mental health promotion, including suicide prevention, mental health awareness, education and training. 

Proceeds will support our Client Assistance Fund and Comfort Closet. The Comfort Closet provides personal hygiene products, non-perishable snack and food items, and weather-related items such as hats and gloves. The Client Assistance Fund helps with grocery cards, transportation to appointments and other such items for clients experiencing financial difficulties. Both services are accessible through a client’s case worker, and are reliant on community support for sustainability.

To learn more about CMHA-WECB, please visit: