South Essex Community Council (SECC)
South Essex Community Council (SECC) is a social services organization dedicated to enriching lives and fostering community well-being by providing comprehensive services and support for individuals from various ages and backgrounds. We strive to empower people through accessible transportation, employment services, newcomer support, senior programs, children and youth initiatives, and lifelong learning opportunities. Our mission is "Helping people, Improving Lives" and our vision is "Building a stronger community one person at a time."
All proceeds from the fundraiser will go directly towards SECC’s Accessible Transportation Vehicle Fund, a vital initiative aimed at ensuring continued mobility and independence for seniors and individuals with disabilities. SECC’s accessible vehicles provide a lifeline for those who rely on them to attend medical appointments, access essential services, and participate in social and community activities.
However, these vehicles must be replaced every five years to maintain safety, reliability, and accessibility. Without immediate funding, aging vehicles could limit transportation options for those who need them most, leaving vulnerable community members without a dependable way to get to critical destinations.
By supporting this fundraiser, you are making a direct and urgent impact—helping SECC replace and maintain accessible vehicles to keep our community connected and ensure that no one is left behind due to transportation barriers. Your support today means continued independence and a better quality of life for local seniors and individuals with disabilities.