The days getting a little longer and a little warmer. It’s time for your indoor plants to wake up, but before they do there are a few things you can do this season to give them their best start. They are beginning to produce new growth and could use a little spring care.
For most plants summer is their best growing season, so the springtime is a good time to repot your house plants before those roots really begin to grow.

Before you repot your plants you should look for a few signs that it might be the right time to repot your leafy babies.
- Roots showing out the top
- Roots coming out the drain holes at the bottom
- The soil dries very quickly after you have watered the plant
- The plant has not grown at all for a long time
- Mineral buildup on the soil
- If the surface of your planter soil is a lot higher than the height of the pot.

When repotting it’s a good idea to cut open a garbage bag and put it down to help with cleanup. I honestly never do this. I usually repot plants right over a rug and AM always full of remorse over the mess I’ve made. So save yourself some aggravation and do a little bit of prep work before you get started.

- Move your plant from its pot. Sometimes you may even have to cut it out if the roots have gotten too long and it is too big for the pot.
- Loosen your root ball gently with your hand, so all those roots can spread out in their new pot and soil.
- Fill your pot with a nice new layer of dirt.
- Put your plant in the new pot. You want to make sure your plant is at least half an inch below the rim of the pot.
- Put the soil all around your plant in the new pot and cover any exposed roots and tamp down gently.
- It may also be time to give your plant a little fertilizer – some extra nutrition in the soil will help the roots in the growing season.
- Don’t forget your plants need a haircut too! The spring is a good time to clean off any dead or dying leaves to help with the health of the plant.
- Make sure you wash any dust that may be building up on leaves. This will help your plants absorb oxygen and sunlight easier.
- Now this is the most important……Don’t forget to give your plant a name! Naming your plants is fun and silly and it will bring a little chuckle to your day when you tell Susan, Phyllis, and Kevin it’s time to be watered.😂

After struggling with plants for many years I have realized that more than anything, plants crave a routine! It’s a good idea to designate a day for plant care. I chose Sunday because it is the easiest day for me to go around the house and wash all the leaves and make sure everybody is happy and watered. Taking a little time each week to care for your leafy friends will help them take care of you and will ensure that you enjoy their benefits for years to come!