A pollinating queen, Pentas are known for their consistent all-summer bloom and their stunning, large clusters of starry flowers. Consider this plant if you are looking for low maintenance annual for your garden or as a filler plant in a pot!
A sun lover that is neat and compact, its unique cluster blooms make for an ideal landing pad and resting place for butterflies, hummingbirds and bees.
Care & maintenance tips for Pentas flowers:
- Light: Full sun or partial shade
- Soil/Water: Keep soil evenly moist and ensure adequate drainage. Pentas will dry out quickly so give them supplemental water during dry spells.
- Fertilizer: Water-soluble 20-20-20 every two weeks
- Bloom Time: Summer/Fall
- Growth: 18-24″ H x 10-14″ W
- Maintenance: Ensure that you deadhead plants and remove all spent blooms to encourage the constant reproduction of flowers.