Pampas Grass $9.99
As we prepare to bid adieu to the long days of summer there are a couple of things that are weighing on my mind. The first being disbelief that the school year is about to begin, where did the time go?! Secondly, I want to revisit my summer bucket list so I can make time for any grand plans that I may have overlooked. On this final stretch of summer, I want to maximize on fun, quality time with the family, but also, be productive and set up some routines to help transition into September.
If you aren’t aware, my baby is finally finished with preschool and heading to Junior Kindergarten next month. We are all eager to take on this exciting new adventure, especially Joey! But it is certainly a little bittersweet. How do they grow so fast? I am excited for what lies ahead, but also want to soak up these last bits of time with the kids before they head to school for the year.
Cidermill Horse Camp
I think it’s so important to schedule in special time with the kids. Time being present, without my phone, doing activities together that we enjoy. We spend a lot of time together as a family, but ‘special time’ to me, is one-on-one. Time to focus on just them, making sure their hearts are filled right to the brim with love! Time when they have my absolute undivided attention. So often they steal attention from one another, or one of life’s many distractions pulls me from them. Kids have such big feelings; I really love devoting some time individually to check in and make sure they know I’m on their team. I think, for the development of all our relationships, at any age, it’s essential to create these one-on-one moments.
Nora is such a busy body. And at an age where all she wants is play dates…Mom isn’t so fun anymore. Her summer has been a kids dream. Constantly playing outside with the neighbour kids, lots of late nights, and sleep overs. So, for her special time we’re slowing down and doing something that she loves – baking.
Island Bamboo 17" Red Pakka spoon $29.99 | Solstice Dishtowel $19.99
Yes, we could go out on an adventure and do something more exciting. But, she needs to learn the value in slowing down, especially before school starts and these weeknight playdates come to a staggering halt. And I need to show her that there is fun inside these walls, with me. No friends, no parties…just us, singing and telling jokes while we mix things up and dip our fingers in some batter. Also, baking is a great educational exercise for kids. It’s a fun way to get them practicing fractions, estimates, and reading.
Joey, on the other hand, has been in daycare all summer and will switch right into school. So, for his special time, we’re going on a mother-son adventure to Point Pelee. This was one of my summer bucket list items that we just didn’t get the chance to do until now. And it is right up Joeys ally! I didn’t make it too complicated, just packed up some tast snacks and towels and off we went! (Psst these pineapple chips are so delicious, they definitely pass for a candy substitute with my kids.)
Mali Fabric basket $29.99 | chiwis Piña chips $7.99 | GH Cheddar popcorn $5.99
We loved the view from the top of the lookout and walking through the marsh in search of wildlife. Then we cooled off with some ice cream and spent time playing in the sand & water at the beach. I can’t believe we haven’t done this before! I will always feel grateful for living in this incredible country.
Point Pelee National Park
I will never ever regret taking time off from work and from the world to spend it with these kids. They are only young once. I am so fortunate to work for a family run business that holds tight to the same family values. They always promote a family first environment. Taking a step out from our usual routine to create some memories is definitely a good investment for the heart.
Love Sunday morning blogs. Reminds me of when my children were little and life was so much simpler. Ahhh, the good ol’ days! Thank you for sharing.