Add the perfect beachy vibe to your space by incorporating the adorable String of Dolphins or Senecio Peregrinus plant! True to its name, it’s trailing, iconic foliage resembles a pod of jumping dolphins and delicate white blooms.
Native to Southwest Africa, the low maintenance String of Dolphins houseplant can grow up to 15 cm/6″ tall, making them a great plant choice to hanging baskets, vertical gardens, or trained to climb a trellis or pole.

Light: A string of Dolphins can easily get sunburned when exposed to too much direct sunlight if placed outdoors. As a houseplant, they’re happiest placed in indirect light where they will receive six hours of sunlight a day-if available, a south-facing window is ideal!
Temperature: String of Dolphins are happiest in a space that sits between 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit. A great plant for bringing outdoors in the Summer to soak up some of the filtered light and heat. Unlike other succulents, they love the cool air and can withstand temperatures as low as 40 degrees Fahrenheit if necessary but will not survive a hard frost.

Water: Give your string of dolphins a good soak of water once a week during the growing season (Spring-Fall), until you see the water coming out of the pot’s drainage holes- allow the soil to dry completely in between waterings. Water once per month during their dormant period (Winter). These are general guidelines, adjust the watering schedule to meet each plant’s needs based on your specific area conditions.
If you notice dry, dull, and deflated leaves that likely means your plant is not receiving enough water. Alternatively, if you see squishy, yellow, or transparent leaves it means your string of dolphins is being overwatered.

Soil & Pot Requirements: Choose a well-draining soil -cactus/succulent mix and plant them in a container that has drainage holes in the bottom.
On top of that, Dolphins thrive well in little crowded conditions, so make sure to use a container only a bit larger than the planter pot it came in.
Fertilizer: The string of Dolphins don’t require much fertilizer, as over-fertilizing can result in losing its iconic jumping dolphin look. It is best to feed them only once or twice a year at the beginning of spring and when they start to bloom.