Forsythia Bush 34.99
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. “
Audrey Hepburn
Now more than ever is the perfect time to shut off our phones and focus on something that promises a better tomorrow. Something that is going to give back to you physically and mentally, despite what is going on in the world.
Take a moment to walk out to your garden. With your bare hands, shuffle over some of the mulch and leaves from last season and uncover the small but promising new buds popping their heads out of the soil and take a quick moment to appreciate all that it symbolizes.
Wikipedia describes a perennial as this,
“lasting or existing for a long or infinite time; enduring or continually reoccurring.”
How reassuring is it that something as dainty as a small plant can endure such harsh conditions like winter, storms, over-pruning etc, only to come back the next year even larger and stronger. I think we can all learn from our garden friends and realise that despite the storm, we can all come out of this stronger.

English Daisy (Bellis Perennis “habanera” mix) 4.99
Choose plants that brighten your day. Make your garden a place that makes you smile. One of my favourite perennial plants is an English daisy. The English daisy is a biannual plant that self-seeds to provide future generations. There’s something about the small, fluffy petals and colour variations that instantly makes me happy. They grow to be 4-6″ in height and can spread to be 6-8″ wide. They also can take temperatures as low as -34C.

English Daisy (Bellis Perennis “pomponette” mix) 4.99
One perennial that is making a large appearance in more modern landscapes and even in some container planters is the grass. Much different from the grass we have to maintain and cut in our yards, the perennial grass comes in hundreds of different varieties, colours and sizes. Perennial grass is extremely easy to grow, low maintenance and is always one of my first suggestions for those who want a carefree landscape.

Blue Fescue Grass 12.99
Every grass has different environmental requirements and can grow anywhere from 2″ to 12 ft in height so be sure to choose a grass that is right for you.

Feather Reed Grass 12.99

Feather Reed Grass 12.99
Another perennial that adds instant gratification to the eye is the silver mound artemisia. It has fluffy silver foliage that makes it near impossible to not want to touch. In mid to late June it benefits from a hard clipping just as its silver flowers appear. They enjoy dry and hot areas and mound larger and larger each season.

Silver Mound Artemisia 12.99
One of my favourite Perennials for its modern look and adaptability to different living spaces is the chicks and hens. These succulent like perennials can live in so many different spaces making them fun to sculpt into different garden ornaments. Chicks and hens don’t have a large root system making them easy to attach to large rocks with groves to hold their main root system.

Chicks and Hens 5.99
They can endure both dry and moist areas and love the hot, hot sun. These tiny little plants spread and make babies that will eventually fill as much space as needed until separated and transplanted. Chicks and hens are the perfect alternatives to those who enjoy the look of indoor succulents but don’t want to have to replace them each year or have to bring them in for the winter.

Chicks and Hens 5.99
Another perennial that compliments the Chicks and hens is our jeepers creepers collection. These are an assortment of low growing plants that can withstand moderate foot traffic. They are often used for fairy gardens because they are so low growing and can act as low profile grass. Most jeepers creepers cannot grow any higher than 1″, however can spread to be over 12″ making them perfect for in-between pavers of flagstone.

Creeping Thyme 4.99
Everyone’s spring favourite is always the Phlox. Daily, we have customers coming in showing us pictures of neighbours gardens that have these mounding, purple, white or pink poofs of flowers creeping through their flower beds. Phlox is a perennial That blooms in late spring. Eventually, the flowers die off and leave an evergreen looking shrub behind throughout the rest of summer.

Phlox 5.99
Though most people only recognize pansies as an annual that is typically purchased in the spring, there is also a large variety of perennial pansies that will bloom for you every year. They like to be planted in moist soil that is well-drained and to be watered regularly until established.

Perennial Pansies 4.99
Did you know pansies symbolize love and admiration making them the perfect flower to gift someone such as your mom or your grandmother. Each colour of pansy also symbolizes something different.
Red pansies: symbolize love and romance.

Perennial Pansies 4.99
Yellow pansies: Often given to someone going through a rough patch. They symbolize joy, happiness and positive energy.

Perennial Pansies 4.99
Purple pansies: Symbolize nobility, beauty and royalty

Perennial Pansies 4.99
Though boxwood is more of a shrub than a perennial, it is a perfect addition to any landscape that wants to be seen throughout the winter. Most perennial plants will dye off through the winter leaving your landscape bare and empty. Adding shrubs such as boxwood not only adds height and texture to all your flowering perennials but also leaves something to look at through the winter months. Boxwood is a green shrub that can be sculpted and pruned to any desired shape or size. it is often seen as edging in landscapes and is the perfect shrub to cradle all your perennials inside your bed.

Perennials are the perfect addition to the outside of your home that will please year after year. With a growing selection at Annas and easy to read care tags on each individual tag, it makes it easy to find that perfect addition to your flower bed. Mixing perennials that bloom at different times is the ideal way to always have something new in your garden to look forward to. Another alternative to always make sure that there are new blooms in your garden is to incorporate ever-blooming annuals in your perennials such as begonias or inpatients.
There is no right or wrong way to garden. Using perennials in your garden will not only emphasize your home but it will act as your daily reminder to believe in tomorrow and despite the conditions, we are stronger than we think.