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Living Large at the Lake

Living Large at the Lake

San Diego sun hat $59.99

This week we are spending time with family at my Dad’s house on Lake Huron. Our family all live within 3 hours of one another, with my parents being the center hub. Which is wonderful because that means their house is where we gather. Every summer we all take some time off from our busy schedules to wind down at the Lakehouse. And it is glorious. The pace is slow, the company is top notch, and the view is unbeatable.

Clever G&Tonic $3.99San Diego sun hat $59.99

After a long and gruelling school year, it’s so nice to escape from the tethers of the daily grind to enjoy some much-needed R&R on the beach.

Which got me thinking, there’s no reason why we can’t incorporate this beach lifestyle into our daily life! With sprawling Lake Erie right here, there are so many phenomenal beaches to choose from within a very short radius. So, this summer, my plan is to make the effort to enjoy time at the beach more often. The kids love it, and they play so wonderfully together when they’re there. It’s a great place for them to work together and use their imaginations. To explore and question the curiosities of nature.

When they were younger, I found going to the beach to be so intimidating. But now that they’re a little older, heading to places like the beach isn’t so overwhelming, and it really doesn’t to require much preparation. During the summer months I like to keep all of our beach gear accessible and in one place in the garage, so it’s easy to load up at a moments notice. For us, this looks like a mesh bag with a few sand toys, a beach blanket, a couple of beach chairs, and a small cooler bag. Throughout the summer, I also like to keep a ‘swim bag’ in my trunk at all times – Afterall, you never know what spontaneous adventures may arise. This is simply a larger beach bag loaded up with towels, sunscreen, goggles, hats and a floatie (Joey can swim, but he’s not a strong swimmer yet, so any time we’re near water, wearing a puddle jumper is a hard rule for us).

Then, right before time to go, I grab some snacks and drinks and we’re set!

Produce - prices vary | Kettle chips $4.99 | Pretzel Crisps $5.99

For snacks I keep it simple and mostly pack pre-cut fruits and veggies. This helps to keep the kids a little hydrated, and there’s no garbage to worry about – which I love. Although, I’ll often throw in a bag of chips or crackers for good measure😉. As for drinks, of course we pack lots of water for everyone, but I like to indulge in something a little more fun at the beach, and these Clever G & Tonics are perfect! They are so quenching and taste exactly like a gin and tonic but have zero alcohol! Laying on the beach, sipping on one of these truly feels like a vacation. Life is good.

4.5" Terra Cotta pot & saucer $2.99 each  | 4" pineapple plant $7.99 | Wicker tray $79.99 | Watermelon tea towel $12.99 Clever G&Tonic $3.99

With the air quality improving, and the fish flies nearing the end of their cycle, enjoying quality beach days is something we can finally indulge in! The summer is just getting started, and I am so excited to fill our time with the ones we love exploring this beautiful place we call home.

Here's to more magical days and nights on the sand!




    Posted by Mike Chater on

    It’s wonderful to be able to share a special moments with your family. A well deserved rest from the hectic spring at your fabulous garden center. I’m enjoying my time at home with all my beautiful Anna’s flowers.

  • Posted by Debbie Bastien on

    My son lives in Point Clark. About 3o minutes before Kincardine. He’s 3 minutes from Lake Huron & a beautiful spot. Love visiting anytime but summer beach is so fun

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