Grey speckle plate 9.99 | Microwave safe butter dish 9.99 | Teapot 24.99 | Boho mug 12.99 | Tea towel 6.99 | Live simple outdoor pillow 29.99 |
6″ Audrey ficus 29.99
With a baby on the way and lots of time at home to reflect and prepare for the coming months of change, I have made it a priority of mine to slow down and evaluate everything I’m thankful for and all my favourite parts of the day. It’s so easy to get lost in the shuffle of life and get caught up in a hectic routine.

Grey speckle plate 9.99 | Microwave safe butter dish 9.99 | Teapot 24.99 | Boho mug 12.99 | Tea towel 6.99
Breakfasts were quick and on the go, the kids were always better dressed than I was and family time was spent scrambling around trying to figure out what’s for dinner and who’s turn it was to deal with the dreaded bedtime routine. Taking time to slow it down and rather than pinpoint all the negative and everything that wasn’t working, I found it a lot less stressful to elaborate on everything that was.

Grey speckle plate 9.99 | Microwave safe butter dish 9.99 | Teapot 24.99 | Boho mug 12.99 | Tea towel 6.99 | Live simple outdoor pillow 29.99
One of my favourite things to do is sit on the front porch with the boys, people watch and enjoy a healthy snack together surrounded by pretty flowers and sharable goodies. Eating is our time to reflect as a family. We ask how each other’s workday went, what we have planned for the weekend and the kids tell us all about their imaginary friends and favourite parts of the day. Something as small as reaaaallly listening has made such a difference in the kids and I’s relationship.
Adding little happy quotes and fresh flowers to places around your house is an easy way to start off your day positively. Being welcomed into your home after a stressful workday by cheery welcome mats and thriving flowers is exactly the greeting I look forward to after a long day.

Begonia hanging basket 29.99 | “Hi there” Welcome Mat 24.99
One of my new favourite rooms in the house is our new nursery. This is our 3rd baby and it shows. After I found out I was expecting our first son, I quickly jumped into the car and did a shopping spree for gender-neutral outfits and essentials well before I had to. It’s the third time around and I’m by no means prepared. Most of the boy’s clothes have since been donated and I needed to start fresh for this last sweet bundle of ours. Finally this weekend we got our hands dirty and transformed our old playroom into the cutest little nursery. Now everything feels real. Adding fresh plants to both freshen the air and brighten the space was exactly the pop of colour his room needed.

10″ Audrey ficus 49.99 | Rainbow pillow 49.99 | Beige boho pillow 49.99 | String of banana plant 29.99 | Gold moon mobile/wall hanging 29.99

10″ Audrey ficus 49.99
The baby will be sleeping in our room for the first little bit so I added some cute throw pillows to the crib to add texture and warmth to the space.

10″ Audrey ficus 49.99 | Rainbow pillow 49.99 | Beige boho pillow 49.99 | String of banana plant 29.99 | Gold moon mobile/wall hanging 29.99
There are so many plants to choose from at Annas, narrowing down our favourites is always a challenge. Choosing houseplants that are easy to care for and resilient to any neglect is key to their survival once they come to my house. Before adding a large green centrepiece to the room, it felt bare and cold. Finding a close spot to the window for a rubber tree has made the space much more welcoming and enjoyable.

Rubber plant (Various sizes avaialble)
Bird of paradise is also another one of my favourites. Its large tropical leaves fill in any space nicely, and its hardy thick leaves filled with moisture make it resilient to any forgetful watering routines.

Rainbow pillow 49.99 | Beige boho pillow 49.99 | 10 White Bird of Paradise 29.99
Not every space in my house allows real houseplants, however. There are lots of areas in my house that simply don’t allow enough light in to nourish my plants. Luckily Annas has a large selection of artificial plants to add greenery to any area of your home.

Eucalyptus garland 59.99
One of Annas favourites is the eucalyptus sprigs. We offer them in many shapes and forms. This green Garland is exactly what my mantle needed to give it life and transition through the seasons.

Pink/white pampas feathers 9.99
Pampas grass or feathery branches are other staples to Annas. The assortment of colours and variations is a great option to add to vases for when you get sick of letting your fresh-cut flowers dye off.
Turning off the busy life that consumes us and picking out our favourite parts of the day, things that make us smile and prioritizing the things that matter, is key to finding happiness and being able to live in the moment. Adding plant favourites or new pieces to your home decor that please the eye are great ways to incorporate simple pleasures into your life.