It is my belief that perhaps, March is in existence to test our mind over matter capabilities. We’ve all had enough of the cold, and it’s about that time of year when we call on Mother Nature to bring us warmer days, booming thunderstorms & fresh new life. But it seems, for now at least, that she has a different agenda.

So, what is one to do in a time like this? When our desires have not yet come into fruition. I find a change of perspective always helps. Instead of placing my focus on the things I cannot change (everlasting winter), I can create a change! And if spring isn’t in the air outside yet, you better believe I am doing my best to bring all things spring into my home.

A good refresh in the home is always bound to lift my spirits. As my family knows all too well, there is nothing I love to do more than rearrange our furniture. So, I figured in anticipation of a new season, I should switch things up and make our living room a little less cozy and cluttered and more cheerful and airy.
I began with a good deep clean. It sounds lame, I know, but man, isn’t it so satisfying to get all those pesky jobs done, like washing the blinds and the trim? I love when I’m home on a day when the sun is shining so I can crack a window to invite in some fresh air and get to all the deep cleaning. The house just feels so good after! My other thought behind this is that if I get to all my inside tasks now, I will be able to focus on the outdoor ones when the weather changes. And lucky for me, I have some little helpers to assist! Honestly, they don’t really make the jobs any easier, but I think it’s important for the kids to see and partake in the household chores.

I’ve also decided it’s time to pack away the cozy throws and fluffy pillows. It’s hard to channel spring while looking at all the winter décor. And although it’s not shoppable YET, let me tell you, the new merchandise Anna’s has coming in is GORGEOUS! I cannot wait for you guys to see the new spring lineup of goods! I’m not only freshening up my home, the store is getting a nice facelift as well & I am so excited for you all to see it!
Another thing I like to change over seasonally is the type of scents that I have going in the diffusers. It may not sound like something worth mentioning, but scents are connected to our memories. So, something as simple as burning a candle can play a significant role in improving our mentality. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the pumpkin and spice smells that accompany fall and winter, but it is so refreshing to walk into a clean, decluttered house with the smell of lavender, peppermint, and bergamot in the diffuser.
And what better way is there to make your home feel like spring than inviting the fresh crisp scents of the season inside? I love to blend something floral, something citrusy and something earthy. And I am also obsessed with the Swan Creek candles (as you may know). The aroma they give off, even when unlit, is incredible. My personal favourites at the moment is Blackberry Rose Jam. I’m also really into the rareESSENCE room sprays.
Are you guys with me on this? Who else is ready for spring? I am looking so forward to seeing all the friendly faces in the store again! And I’m eager to get my hands dirty with some planting and creating a better outdoor space for our little family. What part of the season ahead are you most excited about?