Add bright star-shaped Ornithogalum blooms to a sunny windowsill or entry table this spring! Appreciated for their brilliant cluster of yellow to orange flowers adorned with a contrasting bead-like black eye - this easy grower, makes for the perfect gift!
Ornithogalum goes by many names including 'Orange Star Plant' 'Star of Bethlehem' 'Sun Star' and 'Yellow Chincherinchee'. Native to South Africa, they are primarily grown for cut flowers and flowering-pot production.
Care and Maintenance for Sun Star Ornithogalum
Light: Bright, indirect light
Water: Keep soil evenly moist, but not consistently wet. Ensure adequate drainage.
Fertilizer: ½ strength water-soluble 20-20-20 monthly during Spring, Summer, Fall.
Do not fertilize during winter months.
Maintenance: Not winter hardy in our growing zone. Remove spent blooms from the base of the flowering spike.
Growth: 8-12" tall | 8-12" wide