Part of what I love about the autumn months, is that it feels like they bring change…there’s just something about the air that breathes new beginnings.
My family has a pretty big change coming up before autumn closes. One which I’ve been holding back from telling you but feel like I can finally get excited about.
We are moving!
In a couple of short weeks, this adorable cape cod style house will be our new home. And I cannot wait!
This was not an easy decision. We LOVE our current house and all of the neighbours, who have become an extension of our family. We were certainly not looking to move. But my husband and I are the type of people who are ‘never looking, but always looking’. We happened upon this little gem and couldn’t pass on the incredible property. With nearly an acre of land and lots of mature trees, it has a country feel but is only a hop, skip and a jump away from where we are now. So, in light of this news, I thought I would take a moment to share, reflect and pay homage to our current home.
Big Bear Planter Small $29.99 | 4" Tricolour Hoya $19.99 | Wooden bead Garland $14.99
So many memories and amazing things have happened in our lives while living here. This home provided us comfort as we ventured into a new town, knowing not a soul. It was a safe haven as we took leaps of faith on new careers and acquired new friends.
Home Sweet Home sign $39.99 | Gold metal watering can $24.99 | 25" Cotinus leaf spray $9.99
In this home, I became a mother of two. First steps were taken here. First Christmases and birthdays were celebrated within these walls. Memories I will cherish forever.
My love for plants developed in this home. It was here that I learned to nurture and grow all of my green leafed friends. I’ve dusted their leaves, trimmed their roots and given them new vessels to call a home of their own.
Various houseplants currently on sale for 40% off | Gold metal watering can $24.99
This is where we grew our first garden. Where the children learned to love and appreciate their veggies! This is where they planted their first seeds & picked their first tomatoes and beans. I’ve watched proudly as they’ve dirtied their hands in the soil - working away, and eventually enjoying the fruits of their labour.
I began a dream job as Visual Lead for Anna’s while living here. Many a morning has been spent feeling the warmth of the sunrise as its rays finger their way through the blinds. I hope to always remember the gratitude I have felt during my solitary morning routine.
Many growing pains were experienced, and many tears were shed under this roof. But mostly, in this home, our hearts grew. Our cheeks have ached from laughter. Our bellies, filled from feasts with loved ones at this table – which was also built, in this home!
Wreath $69.99 | Brushed gold hurricane lantern $59.99 | 5 x 8" flameless flicker candle $29.99 | Table runner $39.99
I look forward with anticipation of the many memories to come, but as we prepare to wrap up another season of our lives, I can’t help but feel the pangs of a bittersweet goodbye. This home has served us well. 41 you will be missed.
36" pampas wreath $99.99 | Pumpkins - prices vary
Stacy beautifully written and such wonderful memories to carry with you on your next adventure. All the best to you and your family in your up coming move.