We all have visions of how our life should look. Body goals, career goals, family goals…the list goes on and on. But what if we threw that list to the wind and simply decided to be our best version of ourselves. What if we didn’t take the agenda so seriously and gave ourselves a little grace. If we embraced the roadblocks and season changes of our lives. What if the goal was making TODAY great. Because tomorrow is never promised.
What would you do differently?
How would you spend your time?
I’m not saying to do away with the goals. Goals and dreams are important. But let’s stop beating ourselves up when things don’t go to plan. Let’s love on ourselves and pay attention to the words we use. Words are important. They carry weight.
Since my daughter came to an age of understanding, I’ve really strived to watch my words. I’ll catch myself speaking in a self-deprecating way and stop in my tracks. I would never want her to think poorly of herself, so I have to lead by example. Honour her. Honour myself. In the words of the great Bruce Lee…
“Don’t speak negatively about yourself, even as a joke. Your body doesn’t know the difference. Words are energy and cast spells, that’s why it’s called spelling. Change the way you speak about yourself and you can change your life. What you’re not changing, you’re also choosing.”
In doing so, I have cultivated a new kind of confidence. So often confidence is confused with arrogance, and it feels like society & the media push us to steer away from it. Groom us to feel less than. How often do we shy away from compliments? Or respond by countering whatever praises were given? A simple thank you and an inward pat on the back is all the response required. Why is that so hard?
Winter is a time for inward reflection. A time for rejuvenation and relaxation. These shorter days gift us with early nights. With time. To spend repairing after a busy year. To spend getting close to the ones we love. Including ourselves. Because, before we know it, spring will be here, and life will be in full bloom. I want to nurture myself, and my family during this time, while the going is slow.
My hope for this year is to lead by example for my children, for my husband, and for myself. To strive to be the best version of myself. Even when things don’t go to plan, because so often they don’t. I want to be present and approachable to my loved ones, keeping silliness at the heart of our home.
When I think about my life, and how I will be remembered after it’s gone – work, weight or belongings are never what comes to mind. The story I want to leave behind is one of love. A legacy of love.
So, my goal this year, and every year is to spread that love all around. Starting with myself.
What are your hopes for 2023?
This was a very beautiful and inspirational piece! Thank you! It made me realize how negativity of yourself can reflect on our children in the same way…..and I am thinking with my friends and other family.
So beautifully said! I love the quote from Bruce Lee, who knew ‘spelling’ could be so powerful! Your job, the extra weight you carry etc will never matter! What matters is how you show up for the people in your life. How they feel when they are around you. When my mother passed I would say that her legacy was one of unconditional love! So this post resonates with me in so many levels! Love it!
Thank you for quoting Bruce Lee. I’d forgotten how powerful those words can be. And yes also best to be mindful not to appear arrogant. Can be a fine line on what you say and how it’s delivered.
Wishing you a Happy Healthy 2023!
My goal is to never forget to be greatful to have in my life such great people as you,dear M.