An Australian native, Eucalyptus is one of the top requested plants here at Anna’s. Adored for its calming scent and airy foliage, it can add the perfect texture to any interior space – we’re thrilled to introduce you to Glacier Eucalyptus.
Known to grow up to 60-feet tall in their natural Aussie environments, indoor Eucalyptus plants can grow to about 6-10′ tall and have reddish-brown bark, and silvery to blue-green coloured leaves. What sets this Eucalyptus apart is that it’s winter hardy up to -20°C, but still loves full sun or bright light.
So what can you do with your Eucalyptus? Well, the obvious is to take some little cuttings to simply act as an air freshener in any space, but one of our favourite things to do is hang it in our bathrooms, especially in the shower just below the showerhead so it can release its wonderful fragrance to help us unwind and relax.

Care and Maintenance for Glacier Eucalyptus:
Interior Care:
Light: Bright full direct sunlight
Water: On average this sun-loving plant needs 1 cup or 250ml every two days.
Soil: Moist and well-drained soil
Temperature: 55°F to 72°F
Exterior Care:
Planting: Plant no later than July to ensure roots have been established before winter in well-draining soil. Plant a few feet apart from each other to allow room to spread.
Temperature: Winter hardy to -20°C.