Fresh off a Florida truck, citrus & fruit plants, as well as outdoor fruit trees have arrived at Anna's! Choose from a variety of cherries, apple, olive, pineapple, banana, lemon, lime and grapefruit bearing trees that are not only prolific fruit producers, but offer blossoms that are incredibly fragrant and beautiful!

Believe it or not, you don’t have to live somewhere tropical to grow your very own citrus & fruit plants, but you can in-fact transform your space with a touch of lush, tropical foliage!

Choosing a space indoors:
Citrus plants require at least 6 hours of sunshine a day year-round. Ensure that your plant isn't near drafty windows/radiators because they are extremely sensitive to temperature fluctuations.

Choosing a space outdoors:
Move your plant to a sunny outdoor location once daily low temperatures remain above 50F. Citrus trees need natural day/night temperature fluctuations to bloom. Start the tree in a shadier spot for a few days before moving it into full sun to reduce the risk of leaf burn/shock. Monitor watering needs as the soil will dry out more frequently outdoors.

Pssst... When Anna's Club members shop Citrus & Fruit Plants in-store from now until Thursday April 25th, they'll receive 20% off!
Care and Maintenance for Citrus & Fruit Plants:
Light: Bright, indirect light
Water: Keep soil evenly moist. Ensure adequate drainage. Establish a schedule of deep waterings, leaving time in between for the soil to dry a bit. Ensure pot has drainage holes as Citrus plants don't like wet feet. Enjoys high humidity levels (pebble tray/humidifier)
Fertilizer: Citrus trees love acidic soil and prefer fertilizers with high nitrogen levels. Look for a fertilizer specifically formulated for citrus as it will likely include supplemental zinc, iron, and manganese—nutrients the plant also needs.
Maintenance: Self-pollinating - only needs one tree to bear fruit. Keep outdoors in Spring, Summer, and Fall. Bring indoors when temperatures drop below 10C / 50F.
Pests: Every so often examine the leaves for white-scale insects or spider mites, taking care to check the undersides of leaves. Try not to let dust accumulate on your plant. Occasionally wipe the leaves clean with a microfiber cloth.
Growth: 4-8' tall / 1-4' wide