Curcuma plants are among the most stunning yet rare flowers you can grow in your home or garden! The Curcuma plant has a gorgeous display of bright foliage with a long-lasting cone-shaped flower. Native to Malaysia, the Curcuma is in the ginger family and is commonly grown as an ornamental houseplant with rising popularity in colder regions. This plant is sure to stand out in a modern home, or as cut flowers included in a beautiful centrepiece!

These tropical beauties are surprisingly easier to grow than you’d think! Grow your Curcuma indoors placed in a bright window with indirect sunlight! As a tropical houseplant, Curcuma can be brought outdoors during the Summer months and placed in full sun or partial shade. Keep soil evenly moist and ensure proper drainage. If growing Curcuma outside, be sure to bring your tropical plant indoors before cool temperatures arrive. Fertilize your Curcuma bi-weekly during the Spring and Summer with an all-purpose fertilizer.

When bringing your Curcuma indoors during the Winter be sure to cut back on watering and fertilizing your plant so it can rest over the Winter. When the Curcuma plant is not in bloom, the lush leaves still offer attractive foliage that can help brighten up a dull living space. The leaves will eventually die off and after cutting back the faded leaves, you can discontinue watering the dormant plant. When the following Spring arrives, place your dormant Curcuma in a sunny area and water lightly until green foliage appears. Once the leaves start to grow, resume Summer care instructions and enjoy!

Curcuma can be found in a variety of colours such as white, pinks and reds! The Curcuma can happily live in your sunny window or garden for years with the proper care. The elegant Summer-blooming flower of the Curcuma is sure to become an instant favourite among your collection!