Starting our mornings with a cup of coffee is a time we consider sacred. It is that space between what was and what will be, where we can set our intentions for the day, leaving behind yesterday’s burdens, a time to take a deep breath and slowly sip on what feels like a cup of comfort!
There is something pretty special about finding a great Canadian coffee brewed by a farming family! This week we're excited to share another great coffee brand, Blacksmith & Bean.
Fair trade organic coffee beans roasted onsite at Cedardale Farm in North Dumfries, the coffee is inspired by Blacksmith & Great Grandpa James King.
A proud family heritage, Cedardale Farm was established in 1892 by James King, four generations later, King’s great-grandson, Tim Barrie, farms Cedardale and operates Barrie’s Asparagus Farm & Country Market.
Tim’s parents, David and Miriam Barrie, began growing asparagus at Cedardale in 1974 after harvesting seed from Miriam’s family farm at Alliston, Ontario – at the time, her father, Homer McMann, had the largest asparagus farm in Ontario. In 1990, David & Miriam developed Namingazi Farm Training Centre in Malawi, Africa through Presbyterian mission work.
Since 1995, Tim and his wife Libby have been blessed to call Cedardale Farm “home” raising their four children there. In every aspect of farming, Tim strives to honour his parents and grandfathers – their integrity, work ethic, and love for the land has shaped his values, beliefs, and farming practices.
Family traditions and farming mean everything to the Barries and there is only one way to start a day before heading out on the farm, and that’s with a cup of home-roasted brew!
Blacksmith & Bean Coffee is available in two roasts, dark and medium. With coffee beans that come from a cherry, which grows from the coffee flower; the green beans are hand-picked to ensure they are perfectly ripe and are then dried in the sun. It is important to note that the coffee is…
-100% mild washed Arabica
-fully washed
-includes a fermentation step
-no pesticides
-fair compensation to the farmer (hurray!!!!)
-slower shade grown
-grown in high altitudes above 1400 ft
Be sure to comment below if you’ve tried the coffee as we would love to hear your feedback!