And just like that, it’s August. The last official month before our focus shifts to back-to-school routines and cozier backyard get-togethers. As we transition through seasons of changing landscapes and temperatures, there’s one place that captivates mother nature’s beauty like no other.
Studies have shown that the beach is one of the best places to destress. The sound of the waves clapping against the rocks, the feel of the cool waves splashing your warm skin and the sand between your toes, all have more health benefits than we acknowledge. After a busy week of trying to filter through all the things weighing me down, there’s nothing I needed more than a destination I could go to to get a fresh breath of air and a new perspective.

We stopped at Anna’s and picked up some local snacks and fresh produce so we could enjoy a small family picnic as we watched the sunset and talked about potential baby names. I layered pillows and blankets so we could sit comfortably as we waved to boaters passing by.

Having healthy snacks and drinks for the kids is important on our family adventures to help avoid all the sugar meltdowns and sticky messes. The kids grabbed a local peach and we walked the shore in search of beach glass and unique stones.

As we dipped our feet in the water and scavenged for little treasures, the boys thought of different craft ideas to make out of their little findings. We brainstormed ideas like making rock monsters out of some of the bigger stones and houses out of some of the washed-up driftwood.

As we talked through all our craft-making ideas and showed off all our findings I took a brief moment to sit back and watch. It’s like the sound of the waves and the new treasures washed away all the heaviness I had sitting so tightly on my shoulders. The beach provided me with a sense of calm and ease that I so craved but couldn’t find.

I took a moment to focus on my breath, closed my eyes and let the wind blow through my hair. I’m so thankful! The little giggles, the sun-kissed skin, and all the stress that was washed away, even for a moment, made packing a simple picnic to bring to the beach worth every second.

Here are a few reasons why the beach has become such an important remedy for my family’s mental and physical health.
1. Vitamin D. As long as we remember to protect ourselves and apply sunscreen there are still so many benefits from the sun. Vitamin D from the sun improves autoimmune protection, increases endorphins, lowers the risk of cancer, and enhances bone health.
2. Beach days have an antidepressant and euphoric effect. serotonin is almost immediately released when your toes touch the sand and you take that first breath of beachy air. Serotonin is a key hormone for relaxation and happiness.
3. Sand is an exfoliant and can help with circulation.
4. Most massage parlours or relaxation spas like to use sound machines to play the lullaby of crashing waves to relax their clients. This is because the sound of water has a high content of positively charged ions, which are recognized for their ability to relax the body.
5. Being at the beach helps promote a healthy active lifestyle. The extra effort it takes to walk on sand vs concrete and physically splashing in the water, helps our blood pressure and heart rate.

“Life is like the ocean, it can be calm and still or rough and rigid, but in the end, it is always beautiful”