Looking for a carefree, non-stop flower show from early Summer until Fall - Vinca is the annual for you!
Also referred to as Madagascar Periwinkle, Vinca has flowers and foliage that resemble Impatiens. However, unlike shade-loving Impatiens, Vinca are sun lovers! Self-cleaning and free-flowering, we're happy to report that no deadheading is necessary for these hanging baskets!
Adored for their five petals blooms and contrasting centre- your flowering basket will be bursting with blooms all season long. Looking to attract butterflies? They love visiting these vibrant landing pads!
Vinca Care and Maintenance:
Light: Full sun or partial shade.
Water: Keep soil evenly moist. No need to water if the garden is getting regular rainfall. Vinca thrive in dry soil, and although rather drought tolerant, they will perform best with a weekly water soak.
Temperature and Humidity: Vinca thrives in hot and humid weather and will begin to diminish as the weather cools in fall.
Fertilizer: Water-soluble 20-20-20 weekly
Maintenance: Low maintenance. Heat and drought tolerant. Great in borders and garden beds.
Growth: Filler plant 14-16" tall / 8-10" wide
Toxicity: Toxic to cats, dogs and people