When is the last time you sat down and put ink to paper to express your love and appreciation for those in your life? With the digital age getting us farther and farther away from what was, a slower simpler way of living, we want to hold onto the joy that is found in giving and receiving a handwritten note.

A precious, penned message is such a beautiful way of expressing your thoughts and feelings all while practicing the “art of slow”. Taking the time to not only sit and think about how you feel towards someone or a situation but also in waiting for the message to arrive in the recipient’s mailbox. Also, isn’t it funny how your mail has a way of arriving at the exact moment, on the exact day when the reader needs to hear your message most? We like to call that the magic of happy mail!
You know what we’re talking about, that feeling you used to get when you were a kid and your parents came across an envelope addressed to you! A surprise letter from a pen pal, or maybe a birthday invitation – whatever it was, you knew it was going to be good! We still get that same feeling of delight when we see a hand-written card addressed in our name, amongst the stacks of bills and flyers that come with being an adult.

This week we wanted to introduce a beautiful new line of letterpress greeting cards by One Canoe Two. An illustration company that spreads joy through cheerful, thoughtful paper goods. Each piece of artwork they create shows the hand of the artist and embodies a deep appreciation of life’s natural beauty and the pursuit of curiosity. Located in Fulton, Missouri- Midwest USA- their name represents a spirit of kinship, heartland roots, and memories of canoe trips and campfires along Missouri streams with “one canoe, and two girls.”
With cards available for every occasion, the small, inexpensive gesture of sending a heartfelt note can go a long way. Whether it’s a Birthday, Welcoming a new face to the neighbourhood, or a new little one! Celebrating a Wedding, an Anniversary, or even a Retirement. Even for those times when you don’t know what to say, and just want to let them know that you care.
Letters and cards are a keepsake, that when given at a time when someone needs it most, can brighten a day or change a mood. The personal thought and effort that goes into choosing a card and writing a thoughtful message can mean the world to someone. So next time someone is on your mind, find that perfect card that you know will make them smile, address it with your handwriting, lick the envelope, add a stamp and drop it in that old-fashioned mailbox up the road!
We would love to hear from you, do you still send letters or cards in the mail? Do you have certain occasions or traditions that you like to send snail mail for? Show us or tell us using # WelcomeToAnnas – we look forward to hearing from you!

I just love this post! A dear friend of mine moved to Prince Edward County several years ago and we regularly keep in touch via snail mail. We refer to it as Happy Mail too! There is nothing like the sensation of discovering a handwritten note amongst the bills and flyers in your mailbox. I usually wait for a quiet moment, make a cup of tea and find a comfy spot to delve into my correspondence and enjoy the simple pleasure of connecting with someone. I cannot wait to come in and pick out some cards to add to my ever growing card box. Often times I purchase cards without having any idea who the recipient will be. I tick them away in a pretty box to await the perfect destination.
Thank you for giving me a reason and a purpose to come out and shop! See you soon!