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Taking it Slow: Embracing the Putter

Taking it Slow: Embracing the Putter

As I peek out the window to take in the morning, one look tells me that winter isn’t through with us yet. Normally I would shudder at the thought of another snowstorm this late in the season. But it is just too enchanting. I can’t help but appreciate its beauty. And secretly, I’m fine with hibernating a little while longer.

Isn’t this a great time of year?!
When nothing is pressing.

So often it seems we are bogged down with the daily grind - work, sports, hosting events. It is so refreshing when the world slows for a minute. For me and my family, this happens to be an in between moment. Our winter sports have finished, and spring extracurriculars haven’t yet started. It’s still too cool outside to garden, and the kids are happy to snuggle in the morning and ease in to the day. This is a time of year where we can inhale deeply and take things s l o w.

Throw blanket $39.99

One thing about me, is I tend to be a bit of a busy body. You will almost never find me sitting down during the day. As far as my kids know, I don’t even watch tv, because I don’t ever look at it until well after they are in bed. What I love to do is just putz about. And this is the PERFECT time of year for putzing. For wandering the house aimlessly, doing chores that no one other than you will ever notice.

Leaf Shine $19.99

Black Matte Watering Can $29.99 | 10" Hoya $29.99

What I truly love to do the most on these glorious days in, is to blast some music and rearrange the furniture & redecorate the shelves! In anticipation of sunnier days to come, I like to put away all décor that is reminiscent of winter and give my home a nice clean slate for when I bring out the spring décor! (*hint, that will likely be just next week 😉) The kitchen in our new home needs a LOT of TLC. I almost wasn’t going to include pictures of it. But, good things take time, and I want this to be genuine, not curated with only the prettiest parts of our house. For now, I can keep it clean and dream up the big plans I have!

Large Cotton Tea Towel $29.99

Clock $49.99 | 28" String of Pearls Spray $19.99 | Shallow 8" pot $24.99 | Artificial fern $19.99 | 4.5" resin bird $14.99

It’s almost like a gift when we’re granted time that isn’t tied to plans. When the weekends carry no agendas, and all the happenings pan out spontaneously. It’s like magically there’s time for coffee with Mom! Or a night of board games with cousins.

Mug $19.99 | Artificial fern $19.99

Some of the best memories are made when we simply let life unfold organically. And tending to our homes doesn’t seem like a chore when there’s no good reason behind it: just because.

When we are privileged with time to allow ourselves to embrace the putter, good things tend to happen. The world suddenly becomes a little lighter. Yes, wandering aimlessly is indeed good for the soul. So many great ideas and special memories are formed when we give up a bit of control and just let life take the reigns.

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