“Life doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a Mother.” - Julia Sweeney
Isn’t that the truth! Looking back on my life, I don’t know what I would have done, or who I would have become without the unconditional love and guidance from my Mom. She’s been my best friend and mentor for as long as I can remember. But I didn’t truly understand her sacrifices, endless work, and intense love until I became a mom myself. No words can explain how transformative the journey of motherhood has been. How the second my baby was born, my heart just exploded with love. There are many accomplishments I’m proud of, but, being a mom is by FAR the best one.
Every year on Mothers Day, I am spoiled with breakfast in bed, and a trip to the garden center! This is the day we spend working together to make our yard an oasis.
Tending to the garden is one of those chores that doesn’t feel like work. In fact, we anticipate it all winter long. It’s something we work at together as a family, and we share in the excitement as our first flowers bloom and our vegetables ripen to pick. The kids love rummaging through the garden, getting their hands dirty. And I love watching them proudly pick the harvest and taste with curiosity all the new and exciting things they would otherwise never touch! Hahaha.
We started this tradition years ago, and I simply love it. Much like motherhood, gardening requires hard work, patience and a lot of TLC. But the pride & joy it brings makes it all worthwhile. To watch something that you planted grow, then finally come to fruition and bloom, (and think “I made that!”) is simply the best.
Whether your mom is the type to get her hands dirty or prefers to sit back and watch the beauty. A plant is a perfect Mothers Day gift. I like to think that the theme of the day is ‘Love Grows’. And for this, Anna's is a one stop shop! You can get everything from cards, to planter pots, and everything required to fill them.
10" Yucca Tree $49.99 | Trio of large outdoor pots $79.99, $149.99, $249.99
You can find something every mother would love. If your mom is the DIY type, how fun would it be to bring her the supplies and build a planter together! I celebrated Mothers Day early with my mom, and that’s what we did. She was so grateful, and it was so nice to spend some quality time together.
If creating a planter is the route you’re taking, remember the rule of thumb and include ‘The thriller (something tall and colourful for the middle) the spiller (something that weeps over the edge of the pot) and the filler (plants that fill the space hiding the soil). If you follow this equation, you will always end up with a beautiful, three-dimensional arrangement.
6" Croton $12.99, 6" Zinfandel Oxalis $9.99, 5" Encanto Begonia $4.99, 4" German Ivy $2.99 ,5" Gerbera daisy $4.99