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Spring Houseplant Care Essentials

Spring Houseplant Care Essentials

The garden isn't the only thing that wakes up in the Spring, our cherished houseplants are ready to soak up the sun and warmer temperatures too! This is the time of year indoor plants come out of dormancy and begin their active growing season. So, this week we're talking about how to ease your houseplants through this time of change and sharing what we consider our Spring Houseplant Care Essentials.

Spring Cleaning & Pruning

When it's time for spring cleaning, your houseplants should be included in the checklist! Cleaning the leaves will help to remove dust that has settled over the winter and will help them stay healthy. You can rinse them with a gentle spray from a garden house/sink faucet or use a damp cloth to wipe them clean.

Spring is also the perfect time to prune any leggy-looking houseplants, and remove any unhealthy branches or leaves to encourage branching and new growth for the Spring! 

It's Time For a New Home: Re-pot & Re-locate

Re-potting Houseplants

Spring means new growth for our houseplants, making it the best time for re-potting indoor plants. Repotting will help to stimulate new growth and give them a place to expand their roots.

Take inventory of your houseplants and evaluate which plants are happy in their homes and which look like they've outgrown their containers and need more room to stretch!

Not sure how to tell if it's time to re-pot? Examine the roots, if they are growing out of the pot, over top of the soil, in a circular pattern or if the pot looks like it is bursting it's time to find a new home for your plant. Do a watering test, if the water runs right through the soil without soaking in, it's also time to get some more nutrient-rich soil surrounding those roots.  

Always make sure the new pots you have chosen have drainage holes as you don't want them to suffer from root rot!

Relocating Your Plant Outdoors

 Many indoor plants originate from tropical rainforests meaning they are used to soaking up the heat and humidity! Moving your houseplants outdoors for the summer can offer great benefits for your plant plus they can add some interesting foliage to your patio or porch for the season.

It is important that you don't abruptly move the plants outside and instead acclimate them slowly. To avoid damaging the plants you will want to move them into the sun and rain slowly over the course of a few weeks. You will want to wait until the nighttime temperature stays consistently above 50F / 10C. When making the transition start by putting them in a protected full shade location for several days, then move to a spot for morning/afternoon sun only for a week before moving to a sunnier location.

Monitor the plant daily for changes in their leaves - this will tell you if they are getting too much sun. After a smooth transition, your houseplant will be happy to soak up the Summer heat alongside you! 

Water In Style: Watering Cans, Misters and Water Globes

Since this is a period of growth for your plant, it's time to up your watering game! This will help keep your plants healthy and from drying out as they transition into the growing season.

Every indoor plant has different watering needs, but for the most part, you will want to ensure that the soil is kept evenly moist during the spring and summer months, especially if you have your plants outdoors, they will soak up the water a lot quicker than you may be used to! Be sure to check on the soil weekly to ensure your plant stays happy and healthy.

Some plants enjoy high levels of humidity so misters or diffusers can help with creating that tropical feeling so many indoor plants are used to.

Struggle with over-loving or over-watering your plants? Try a water globe,
so that the plant can source the water when it needs it - all you have to remember to do is refill!

Plant Specific Food: Fertilizers & Soil

Spring is a great time to get back to or start fertilizing your indoor plants. Start by feeding them slowly rather than giving them full strength to avoid shocking their root system. As the warmer weather creeps in, increase the strength and watch your houseplant flourish!

Know that every plant is different and has different needs so it is important to do some research on what types of fertilizers and soils are best for your plant. Here at Anna's, we carry a wide assortment of both soil and fertilizers specific to plant varieties.

Interested in learning more about fertilizers: Click here

Take home some houseplant essentials to help bring new life to your houseplants? We'd love to see! Be sure to tag us on social media so we can share!

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