Just as you think the final colours of Summer are fading away, Chrysanthemums come bursting in bloom with vibrant Autumn tones! Chrysanthemums or more commonly known as “Mums” are a classic sign of the change of season, as the weather starts to cool and the plants come alive. These cold-hardy flowers are sure to turn heads due to their plentiful blooms against their lush, green foliage.
Display Mums on a front porch for an added touch of Autumn spirit or include Mums into your Autumn patio pots for weeks of lasting colour! Mums are commonly known annuals but can easily be perennials and are likely to come back in following years if planted in the ground early enough in the Fall. Plant your Chrysanthemum in well-drained soil in a sunny spot in your yard. Cut back your Chrysanthemums in the early Spring to ensure the plants return in late Summer!
Keep the soil of your plant evenly moist. Fertilize your plant weekly with a water-soluble 20-20-20 solution to make the most out of your blooms. The flowers of the Mum are generally cold-activated, meaning it may be hard to determine when a Mum may bloom until the temperature drops and tiny flower buds appear. Mum blooms only last about 3-6 weeks, so be sure to plan accordingly when decorating with this seasonal beauty.
It’s easy to say that Mums are a lasting favourite among Fall gardeners, due to their low maintenance tendencies and their extreme vibrancy! You can find these plants in yellow, orange, red, purple, pink and in several tone variations within each of those colours! Which is your favourite?